Mutun coast, is one of the beaches in the province of Lampung are easily achieved. Located not far from Bandar Lampung, which is a thriving city in the province and has a fairly complete facilities. If you stop by to Bandar Lampung, you can enjoy various games and the beauty of the beaches on the Coast Mutun. To visit this beach, you must travel about 25 km from Bandar Lampung. On the left side right to the beach Mutun, green trees to decorate the street is quite good. A hint on the main road would be a marker if you have to turn to reach this beach. From the highway, now a dirt road with rocks must pass to reach this beach. The distance that must be taken not too far, only about 1 km. After paying admission, you can now enjoy the atmosphere of a crowded beach. Boating, canoeing, banana boating or swimming is a fun activity commonly carried on the coast, including on this beach. Fishing activity with your family or for a hobby can also be done in this place. Fishing equipment or boats can be hired to perform this activity.
The beauty of the beach mutun What's interesting is Mutun beach of white sand beaches, unlike most beaches on the island of Java. So if you want to enjoy the beach with white sand, beach mutun may be one option, given the location is not too far away to visitors who came from Jakarta or West Java area, namely in Lampung. Water relatively clean and clear sea attract a lot of visiting to play further from the coast. Waves on the beach is quite quiet so Mutun safe enough for visitors who want to dive in the sea If you just want to relax, there are huts used for shelter for visitors to sit or nap a gentle breeze beach breeze. You also can feel the serenity as water and clear blue sea and white sand islands plus the green across from the beach to form a beautiful natural scenery worth a visit. Indonesia was the beautiful country
Pebuahanbeachisbeachfishing. Visitors whocome herecan see thefishermanwhofellinto the seawiththeirboatstocatchfishfortheirlivelihoodsareatsea. The situationis verybeautiful and naturalbeachesand hasa verycalmatmosphere, comfortableandprovide comfortto anyonewhocomes here.
InthisPebuahanbeachvisitorscanenjoy thesunsetorsunsetcoveted bythosewhowentto the beach. Nickname asbeachfishingis veryfittingforthis beachforvisitors whowant to enjoythe culinaryseafishcanbuyfreshfishandburn itinplace. It wassoyummy, can eaton the beachwithatemptingmenu.
MenuBeaches inPebuahan
Somecafescan be foundon thebeachthisPebuahan. Among them: TwoCafeDara, Marlina, PondokWaruandCafeby the Sea. They attempttopresent thegrilled fish, fresh vegetables, andotherside dishesthatsatisfy thepalate, witha variety ofsaucesuch asgrind, sweetgluttonous, ormatah. The price is socheap. Visitorsenter thecafeare welcometo choosefreshfishprovided.Fishcatch of fishermenwhoareliving inthe vicinity.Perkiloprice ofRp 55thousandanditincludes the cost ofcooking, seasoning, sauce, fresh vegetables, as well as otherdishes, likefried tofuandriceplusdessertssuch aswatermelon.
Ifbertandangafternoon, the aircooland thecustomerorthe childrencan bepacedon the beachwhilewaiting forgrilled fishserved.Somecafe ownersinPebuahanarepeoplewho once workedinJimbaran. Theyreturn homeandopen a businessand employmentin the region. They come toPebuahanforcelebrationormeetingwillmissdeliciousfreshgrilled fish. Sodo not missvisiting thebeachforPebuahanwhilevacationingin Bali.