
Showing posts with label Batik Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batik Shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Batik is pretty typical of Indonesia

Batik+Indonesia"Batik, synonymous with Indonesia", In the heart of Indonesia capital Jakarta, has stood Thamrin City which is the largest batik center in Jakarta, maybe even one day in Southeast Asia.

Thamrin City has zones Race Center, which is a concern to the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). "All the merchants in batik is batik Thamrin City native who came from the area. Therefore, the quality and authenticity of batik that are here are very secure," said Lucy Ratna, PR & Promotion Manager to Legal Thamrin City, Wednesday ( 03/07/2012).

The center Bull represented Thamrin City of Pekalongan batik artisans, Yogyakarta, Bantul, Solo, Cirebon, Lasem, Pati, Sampang, Tasikmalaya, Purbalingga, and will soon grow from Bangkalan, Sumenep, Pamekasan, Sidoarjo, Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Magetan, Pacitan, Ciamis, Garut. "There are about 5,000 shops and stalls in Thamrin City batik," he added.

Because the number of kiosks and stalls are a lot of that, Thamrin City of choice for the citizens of Jakarta to shop batik. Moreover, the price is affordable, from the cheapest Rp10 thousand to approximately Rp250 thousand. "Our target market is middle class because it is in Thamrin City, you'll get a batik batik-affordable prices. However, good quality and choice are also very diverse," he added.

In addition to batik, there are also stalls, stall weaving, and the center of the Muslim fashion. Specifically Muslim fashion center, every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, Thamrin City Market held Tasik. Tasik market is a large-scale wholesale markets which opened at 04.00 pm on those days, filled with shoppers who are always crowded, not only from Jakarta, as well as other areas."They usually buy a large-scale, up sacks," said Lucy.

Thamrin City population of Jakarta is the right choice, especially for those who want to shop batik. Its presence is also strategic, just 100 meters from the roundabout HI and is located in an area free 3 in 1, especially if taken from Jalan KH. Mas Mansyur and Casablanca. In addition to flood-free, Thamrin City are also easily accessible by various modes of transportation, such as busways, railways, and others. Sources of Okezone

 Indonesia is a beautiful country and interesting
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