
Showing posts with label historical tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label historical tourism. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The discovery of megalithic sites Gunung Padang

Gunung Padang
Gunung Padang cite is the cite of prehistoric megalithic cultural heritage in West Java. Precisely located on the border hamlet and Panggulan Gunungpadang, Karyamukti Village, District Campaka, Cianjur. Vast complex "building" about 900 m², situated at an altitude of 885 m above sea level, and the cite area is about three ha, making it the largest terraces punden complex in Southeast Asia.
Gunung Padang cianjur
The first reports about the existence of this cite are loaded on the van de Oudheidkundige Rapporten Dienst (ROD, "Bulletin of Department of Antiquities") in 1914. Dutch historian, N. J. Krom also been eluded to in 1949. Having had "forgotten", in 1979 three local residents, Endi, Soma, and Abidin, reporting to Edi, inspectors Campaka Cultural District, the existence of a square pile of stones of various sizes are arranged in a place with staircase leading to the Mount Gede [1]. Furthermore, together with the Head of Cultural Section of the Ministry of Education Culture Cianjur, R. Adang Suwanda, he held a check. As follow-up study of archeology, history, and geology Arkenas Research Center conducted in 1979 on this cite.

Location of the cite is hilly steep and difficult to reach. Complexity of the elongated, covering the surface of a hill bordered by rows of large rectangular blocks of andesite. The cite is surrounded by valleys are very deep [1]. It previously had been hallowed by the local residents. [2] The people regard it as a place of King Siliwangi, the king of Sunda, trying to build a palace in the night.

Function is estimated Gunungpadang cite is a place of worship for the people who settled there in about 2000 years BC [2] and the results Rolan Mauludy Hokky Situngkir suggest a possible involvement of some of the stone megaliths of music that exists [3]. Gunungpadang Beside, there are some other cite that is a relic Cianjur megalithic period.
Hambaran Batu Gunung Padang
Bujangga Manik manuscript from the 16th century mention a place "kabuyutan" (where the ancestors were honored by the Sundanese) in Ci dissimulation upstream, the river is known to disgorge around this place [4]. According to legend, the cite Gunungpadang a regular meeting place (probably annual) all heads of Sundanese traditional Kuna. Currently the cite is also still used by indigenous religious groups Sunda to worship.
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