Seven wonder Beach by UN
As a maritime country, Indonesia is rich in coastal tourist attraction. If the UN had given predicate 'Seven Wonders of the World' on Komodo Island, the beach Hunimua been crowned as the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia.
Interested to visit it?
Hunimua beach, situated in the village of Liang, Central Maluku Regency. That is why this beach is also commonly called the Beach Liang. What makes the United Nations kesengsem on Liang beach? It did not escape from the underwater panorama is very alluring. For those of you who like diving (diving), can enjoy the beauty beneath the sea (especially on the location) 50 meters from the shore. Actually, the Japanese never intended to develop the area. But the plan remained a plan, because the desire is constrained internal conflicts between communities Liang. As a result of Sakura divert investment to Bunaken. "Our community here is not ready. They each claim about the land, causing the Japanese are turning to Bunaken masyaratnya better prepared," said Vice Governor of Maluku Said.
Far from the city of Ambon
This beautiful beach is located sufficiently far from the city of Ambon. His journey is approximately 56 km and takes about 1.5 hours. Quite a lot of winding roads, but paved with good. The farther from Ambon, the more lonely journey to the village of Liang. Roads also looks deserted. Situated on the beach which is located at the Black Pearl, you'll be treated to views of white sand and crystal clear sea water the green. A long bridge that juts into the exciting spot to take pictures and give you the opportunity to enjoy the water debutant closer.
With crystal clear blue sea sparkling form a gradation of colors green, blue to dark blue, and white sand is clean too fine, plus another shade of the trees on the beach, makes it feel comfortable and cool, add value and perfection exotic beach Liang.
For those of you who love diving (diving), you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater Liang beach about 50 meters from the shore. Despite the hot sun can make the skin becomes black, but all that can be replaced by the beauty of the underwater Liang beach is stunning. Liang beach beauty with underwater biodiversity, indirectly can refresh our mind and brings peace. Which can be enjoyed
As a city with a group of islands. Ambon city has distinctive characteristics, because most of its territory consists of hills, coastal, and ocean. As a result, coastal tourism, marine tourism, travel to bottom of the sea, very promising here. Moreover, in an area that has a sea area that is wide enough, it saved thousands of natural wealth. What attractions can be enjoyed in this one?
Coastal and marine tourism is certainly not separated from the fish-based culinary tourism. Lalosi grilled fish became the mainstay of the traders at several beaches. Typical marinade in great demand by tourists.
Southeastern season is happening now is usually directly proportional to the increasing number of fish in the waters of Maluku. Head of Marine Conservation Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Ambon, Augy Syahailatua, said that despite bad weather and heavy rain often falls, the fish in the waters of Maluku justrui are many-many, "he said.
According Syahailatua, southeastern season which lasts from July to September in Maluku resulted in the oceans become more fertile and there is the phenomenon of spawning and egg menetasnya various types of fish in waters that are connected to the Banda Sea. "Fish breed faster this season," he said.
He revealed, spawning the phenomenon can be proved by the existence of flying fish roe fishing activities currently being carried out by fishermen in the Sea of Aru, Southeast Maluku and Fak-fak that became part of the Banda Sea.
Described, the season when people of Maluku ni known as the season comes from the east wind blowing from the southeast Moluccas to west, thus pushing the surface water masses into the Banda Sea Flores Sea and Java Sea. This incident resulted in the increase of water mass to the bottom surface of the Banda Sea, known as upwelling events. "This event brings nutrients, phosphates and nitrates which fertilize the waters," he said. With the fertile waters, plankton as a food fish quicker and various species of fish in the sea to breed even faster. "Usually when a lot of small fish, then the big fish will come," he said.
He added, on the southeast season fishermen who use traditional boats will have trouble doing fishing activities, as often happens ocean waves that can reach six feet. "Maybe because there are few fishing operations, then the southeast during the season on the market price of fish tend to be more expensive," said Augy Syahailatua.
Oh yes, for tourists who want to enjoy the beach atmosphere Liang at night, can stay in one of the cottages are close to the beach. For the deep pockets, there are also a number of hotels, like Hotel Amans, Aston Natsepa, and Switzerland Bellhotel. ins, a variety of sourcesAbout the Coast Liang / Hunimua
-Never received the title of the United Nations as Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia
- The beauty of the beach Liang can not be separated from the seawater color gradation. From the distant blue, then toska and green.
-There is a long bridge that juts into the sea
- Tourism-based flagship culinary fish, especially fish lalosi.

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