
Showing posts with label Mekar sari Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mekar sari Indonesia. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tourism and Fruit Crops


Is it true that if we have a house with limited space can not vegetable gardening? it's just a way of thinking of the past. now there are technologies that allow farming to a limited environment. You only need a modified pipes or even a bucket used. If you do not believe, come to the Garden Tour Mekarsari (twm) in Cullinan, Bogor, West Java. Every Sunday in the month of May will take place demo making "salampot" and vertikultur organic vegetables. This demo can be followed by every tourist who visited the twm.


"Is vegetables purchased in the market is healthy? When in fact there are materials such as chemical pesticides. In the Garden Tour Mekar sari  we will get a complete explanation on how to grow fruits and vegetables are correct. There will be explained with the planting techniques vertikultur system or plant is vertical could be a solution for people who want to garden but have limited land. vertikultur addition, other solutions are salampot or vegetables in the pot.

The media used is a mixture of land, fertilizer, and chaff. Comparison of soil, fertilizer, and the chaff is 1:2:3. "We use media that is loose so that roots develop. First do once the nursery," Rectangular container of perforated plastic. Then it was given compost and created a niche with a width of about one centimeter
between niche. Seeds sown in a niche and then covered with compost. The next stage is the flush of seedlings. "If it was 10 days, newly transferred to pots or to the modified pipes,"

Modified pipes or bamboo is cut as high as one meter. In order to stand vertically, the bottom could be given a weight. Then, on each side of a hole to plant vegetables. You can also create and perforated pipe horizontally along one side for a place to plant vegetables that telai sowing. Do not forget to punch base. Collards, kale, and spinach can be harvested in 40 days.

"Swamp Cabbage harvest should not be revoked, cut it. If the mustard greens and spinach can be revoked,"
For the green vegetable crops, does not need additional fertilizer. Meanwhile, for fruiting vegetables such as eggplant or peppers, can be given additional manure in the media regularly. If you are interested in training for organic vegetables, you can stop at the Garden Center every Sunday at 11:00 or 14:00. You can buy the seeds, the media, until the compost at the Garden Center. So you can just practice it at home.


Some participants who took part in the demo is a visitor who was originally going to buy plants at the Garden Center. Finished the demo, you can travel while on tour packages to plant Mekarsari Smart Cultivation Tour. Do not want to bother? Just stop by the Family Garden Mekarsari to pick your own organic vegetables being harvested.
Sources of Garden Tour Mekar Sari 

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