

Friday, January 20, 2012

Enchantment of the Dayak

Culture in Indonesia is diverse. It is true Unity in Diversity, used as a motto of Indonesia is rich in its cultural charm. One is the Dayak tribe.

If the United States has a well-known Indian tribe, Indonesia is also no less. The country has a variety of tribes and customs are interesting to examined.

One is the Dayak tribe. Native tribes of Borneo is arguably as its Indian Indonesia. Comparisons are unfounded. However, some people often compare the Dayak and the Indians who were far away.
Perhaps because initially the Dayak tribe has a unique custom clothing. Then develops later about the houses, customs, social systems, and habits that they do everyday.

However, over the times, the Dayak culture also experienced a shift.One of the Dayak village located in Nanga Nyabo, precisely in Kapuas Hulu. In ancient times, here are still sticking with the original culture, from their homes, behavioral, customary law to everyday clothing. Now, here is almost the same area with other areas on the island of Borneo. Perhaps the customary law prevailing there. But, about the traditional dress worn once daily, has now changed.

See, the Dayak children who live in the Nanga Nyabo, not unlike like a kid today, dressed in ordinary clothes.
What is unique is that they still live at home Benten. Home to the original traditional Dayak tribe.  Home base is made of wood or bamboo. Home elongated shape, with a terraced front made.

Why the home  of tall  visible from the ground ?  It is intended to avoid the things that bother the residents, such as avoiding enemies who could come to a sudden, wild animals, or floods that sometimes hit. A home uninhabitable by some families. Due to the elongated structure and broad. However, many also of those who chose to live as a family only.

The Dayak livelihood are mostly fishermen and farmers. Because this place is close to the River Kapuas and plantations. This is the Dayak tribe today. Little by little they began to abandon the myths that had once existed in the past.

But behind the modern life, the Dayak people still adhere to their customs, of course, with positive developments in the present.
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